TFB Wallet Reaches Almost 5.000 Users in Less Than a Month
On June 30th, TFB Blackstar version 2.6 went live. With this update, TFB Blackstar users received their own integrated wallet within the app and is able to stake their tokens directly from the app. This allows every unique user with a unique wallet address on the Celo network and users can send/receive TFBX tokens along with some other Celo native tokens.
Although the version 2.6 update went live for Android users only, as of July 25th 4697 unique wallet adresses has been reached. Considering that many have not upgraded yet and Iphone users are not able to update to 2.6 this adoptation is promising. With version 3.0 coming in Q3 of 2022 and more users start using the wallet we can see an increase in the wallet numbers shortly. There are 180.000 users who has downloaded TFB BlackStar and therefore the user database is very extensive.
Out of those who marked their genders it is seen that the wallet owners are predominantly male. 88% of the wallet owners marked male and 12% is female.
However, the age distribution of the wallet owners is more homogeneous yet about 70% of the wallet owners are aged between 25–44. This is also in parallel with blockchain and crypto currency enthusiasm age.
Looking at the wallets created daily we can see that around 100 wallets are created every day. With every passing day TFB Wallet is being used more.
This is just the beginning, TFB Wallet is posied to become a significant wallet in the Celo ecosystem and with more upgrades and users engagement we can safely expect to increase the wallet owners exponentially.
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